Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Beginnings of a Writer (Continued)

It has been an exciting week! After I posted the first part of The Beginnings of a Writer, my book, The Monkey Toy, has become available on I did make time this week to write on my next book, too, and now it is time to continue telling you about my friend, Bob.

Yes, as teenagers, we wrote stories and put them in comic book format. Our stories and drawings were quite amusing. Mine looked like stick figures, and Bob's resembled da Vinci. As the summer ended and the drudgery of another school year began, I guess the stories must have ended up in the trash.

As I look back on that summer, I wish we would have had the foresight to have kept the stories and drawings. Both of us are now in our sixties and are still friends. It would've been such a hoot!

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